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Life After Life & Our Angels

June 12, 2016 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm EDT

Life After Life & Our Angels

Francine’s presentation is based on personal experiences of life on the other side and her relationship  with numerous angels and light beings who move easily between dimensions and take her with them for the purpose of sharing higher wisdom teachings and expanded realities of life so necessary to know in our time. During this event you will be held within an angel portal.

You will gain understanding of deep heart & soul principles to guide you on your way.  These principles will be activated for you by angels and spirit guides who are here now for this purpose.

The Forgiveness Imperative, The Love Imperative, Why Judgement is Not Ours to Pronounce, The Astral Realm, The Realm of Light

You will be guided on a shamanic journey to bring you soul to soul with a beloved who has passed.  You will have an opportunity to ask your fervent questions and you will receive answers.  Please bring a journal to record your healing experience. After this sacred healing experience you will walk the path of light with ease.

Open discussion, Q & A will follow.

Francine Vale is a metaphysical teacher of personal spiritual growth, healing and all things related to higher consciousness.  Authenticity and integrity, the ability to hold another in a place of  unconditional love, maintaining awareness of soul connection to highly evolved beings of light, are the attributes Francine brings to her work as a healer.  Working with her spirit guides, light beings and angels Francine’s healings raise consciousness to a higher frequency enabling people to think and act in higher ways. The purity of the higher realms remains even after a healing and draws people  closer to their spirit guides and guardian angels.

Francine’s professional spiritual practice began in 1991.  Her living room was her healing center where she held spiritual growth classes and received clients for healings. Francine led bi-monthly Wisdom CIrcles in SoHo, Peace on Earth meetings in Westchester, Spiritual Book Clubs study groups, Angelic Healing Circles, Francine’s Healing Salon, all well attended.

Francine is the author of Song of the Heart — Walking the Path of Light.  Francine is Host of Angels & Light Beings talk radio and Host of World of Love talk radio.  Francine is a mother and grandma.


June 12, 2016
9:00 am - 2:00 pm EDT


CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)
41 E 11th St FL11
New York, NY 10003 United States
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