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Rei Qong Healing Circle — Thursday nights

January 14, 2016 @ 1:39 pm EST

Rei Qong Healing Circle — Thursday nights

with Master Ron NaVarre
Thursdays from 8 – 9:30 pm
resuming Sept 12, 2013
Fee:  $25/class
ReiQongTM (Ray-Gong) is a practice that combines Reiki with Chi Qong.  This training is a self healing modality based on the traditional Japanese method of hands on healing known as Reiki, and the Chinese meditation and breathing practice known as Chi Qong.
To register, contact Ron NaVarre at 917-549-6525.
For more info, visit
Reiki (pronounced Ray-Key ) is the Japanese word for universal life energy. Reiki is a form of spiritual healing using “universal life energy” channeled through the practitioner to the recipient. Reiki helps to harmonize body, mind and spirit for yourself or anyone you want to help.  Reiki supports and compliments almost every kind of medication and treatment used today. It can be used to speed up healing after surgery and increase the effectiveness of most medical treatments and /or bodywork. It works well with all practices because Reiki is designed to systematically strengthen the body’s absorption and use of life force energy.
Chi Qong: Chi (breath energy) Qong (training), also known as Chinese yoga, is an ancient Chinese health and meditation practice as well as the foundation for internal martial arts such as Tai Chi Chuan. Based on the principle of internal energy cultivation, Chi Qong has been taught as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine and as an aid in healing and strengthening the body, harmonizing the emotions and calming the mind.
Developed by Master Ron NaVarre, Rei Qong has been taught to cancer patients, pre and post-surgical patients, people recovering from acute and chronic illnesses as well as people wishing to be more proactive with their personal health and well being.
The technique is comprised of six unique modalities that include: breathing, grounding, self-massage, Reiki, meditation and Chi Qong. Each modality can serve as a stand alone practice or combined to create a more powerful energetic response. Rei Qong can be practiced sitting in a chair, standing or lying down. Once the sequence is learned, it can be performed in as little as ten minutes or as long as 45 minutes.
This training is a unique opportunity for anyone wishing to learn the basic practice and principals which can be applied to stress reduction, meditation and healing.  
Learn moreWatch VideoStress Defense
resumes Sept 12 2013Thurs 8 – 9:30 pm


January 14, 2016
1:39 pm EST
Event Category: