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RESENTMENT INTO GRACE: A Spiritually Healing Workshop

October 24, 2015 @ 5:30 am - 1:00 pm EDT

RESENTMENT INTO GRACE:  A Spiritually Healing Workshop

“Resentment is the narcotic we cannot help desiring to deaden pain of any kind.”                             Nietzsche

“Pain is the touchstone of all spiritual growth.”                           Bill Wilson

 “Resentment is the source of all forms of spiritual disease.”  Bill Wilson 

“When the spiritual malady is overcome, then we straighten out mentally and physically.”                                                                                                   Bill Wilson

Spiritual dis-ease is a hydra! It has many necks—but it has only one source: resentment! It is easy to see, and to feel that others are resentful. It is unmistakable that resentment is tearing the world apart. It is not so easy to recognize or accept that we, too, are in the labyrinth of resentment—that we are somehow essentially resentful! Our resentfulness conceals itself from us by being internally self-justifying and externally self-fulfilling.  When it comes to resentment we are always deadeningly right, and we can always prove it.

Within the issue of resentment lives the magical power to renew and rejuvenate our lives on every level: individual, relationship, family, community, global, cosmic.  On all levels our health and our disease are related as transformations of each other.  Addiction is not an either/or proposition.  Love and hate do not oppose each other, they are complements.  They arise together from the same source, as do poverty and wealth, fat and thin, loneliness and communion.  As Nietzsche put it, ‘Health is the amount of disease we can transform.’

I invite you to invest a day with me, examining the essential nature of Addiction as an opportunity.  I promise you a new freeing outlook that will give you eyes and ears for the concealed but plentiful possibilities of transformation hidden in the everyday oppositions of our lives.   I invite you to participate in the creation of a bold new, fearless vision of addiction and recovery that, when shared, has the power to inspire relationships that work; rich relationships that are big enough to reveal and include the complementary nature of the opposites.  It is time for us to own the fullness of our spiritual nature above and beyond the physical and mental manifestations.

We addicts still do not dare to fully know who we are, nor do we appreciate the depth of what we are dealing with.  We minimize ourselves and lose power.  We are still fearfully resisting the immense energy that we need to transform our lives, the immense energy that is released in the process of including our opposites.  Our (childish) fear of being thought ‘bad’ or ‘wrong’ drives us to justify our behaviors and blame others.  Our justifications (reasons/explanations) blind us to the freedom that unites these forces.  Our blindness freezes us into the cold, unfeeling way of being called ‘resentment.’  In the moment we take full responsibility for our ability to hate we will be returned to our freedom to love.  The people we hate are the people we love, the hate and the love are always in us beneath and beyond and before opposition.  Grace is the amount of resentment we can transform.

Cost: $60.

To Register Click here or Call: (212) 529-0636 or email

Jim Roi is a philosopher and healer. His vision of health is compassionate, exciting and contagious.  


October 24, 2015
5:30 am - 1:00 pm EDT
Event Category:


Jim Roi
(212) 529-0636
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CRS (Center for Remembering & Sharing)
41 E 11th St FL11
New York, NY 10003 United States
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