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Sanctuary of the Sacred Flame: A Guide to Johannite Spiritual Practice — 3/17

January 14, 2016 @ 1:39 pm EST

Sanctuary of the Sacred Flame: A Guide to Johannite Spiritual Practice — 3/17

On Sunday, March 17, 2013 from 2 – 4 pm, GnosticNYC invites you to a reading by Father Anthony Silvia of his brand new book, Sanctuary of the Sacred Flame: A Guide to Johannite Spiritual Practice. Spiritual practice is essential to the Johannite tradition, and this book will show you how to begin.
Using the framework of the Logos Service, the quintessential Johannite practice, you will learn the basic techniques of many different types of prayer, meditation, contemplation, asceticism, and esoteric practice from a Johannite perspective. Whether you attend mass regularly at a Johannite parish, or if you live far from one, you will find a practice or two that will help guide you on the path to Gnosis.
We will discuss the book, who it’s for, and what you’ll get out of it.
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Lecture Series :: Sanctuary of the Sacred Flame

Sunday, Mar 17, 2013, 2:00 PM

123 4th Ave, 2nd FL New York, NY

5 Gnostics Went

Fr. Tony will read from his new book – Sanctuary of the Sacred Flame: A Guide to Johannite Spiritual Practice ( will discuss the book, who it’s for, and what you’ll get out of it.

Check out this Meetup →

Priest of the Johannite Church, experienced nonprofit administrator, author, and lover of the esoteric and the arcane. Father Silvia endeavors to provide spiritual practices to people who are new to Gnosticism. His book puts several of these practices in the context of the Johannite Gnostic tradition.


January 14, 2016
1:39 pm EST
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