Join us for an incredible evening of root activating music and shapeshifting dance. Prepare to be lifted in Mind and Body in ways you might have never been before.
Evan Worldwind (Didgeridoo), Yahoteh Kokayi (Drumset & Percussion), Läle Sayoko (Shapeshifting Dancer), and Saco Yasuma (Voice & Keyboard) will be your guides into a world of Root Sound and Dance Movement!
Our intention is to give you all we can on February 9th, fueling the fire of your vision of designing your future in the present movement.
• We will begin this empowering evening with an introduction into the single mind for self-discovery, as it pertains to health, wealth, and prosperous consciousness.
• A journey into excellence guided by Root Sound and Dance Extravagant will follow.
Trance Dance Experience with Artist Dream Family