This month, we will practice clearing one another’s energy with rattle and drum in preparation for journeying to meet our past and future selves. Then we’ll circle up to share and receive the messages together. If there’s anything you’d like to have in your life that you feel you are not receiving, this is the time to GIVE it. By giving, you will realize that it was yours to give all along.
The fee is $20 through April 20 and $25 on April 21.
Our purpose, guided by our devoted study and practice of A Course in Miracles, is to remind one another that we are one and the same, always already perfect expressions of love. Therefore, we will be training ourselves to look for and find such reminders in all of our visions and experiences. While the forms of our activities draw on or are adapted from various shamanic and healing traditions, we do not seek to hold up any particular forms as essential or superior in and of themselves. Any form or experience could be used to remember who we truly are and to join with others. We will be using these particular forms simply because we enjoy them!
CRS Co-Founder Christopher Pelham will lead the circle this month. Chris has a background in ensemble and improvisational theatre and has been studying ACIM since 2003 and offering healing and spiritual counseling since 2013. He leads the Monday night guided meditation and Healing Clinic at CRS, teaches A Course of Love on Wednesday nights, participates in the Tuesday night Healing Clinics and assists Yasuko in the leading of the Monday night ACIM Classes.