Governance of the Light
Calling All Lightworkers
We are inviting people to join us in a talk and to participate in discussion, all are welcome….
How do we counter the darkness that is currently prevailing on the Earth in 2017?
There is deep and widespread concern about the aggressive stance of the war-makers worldwide, and we recognize that violence, corruption, and deception abound on the planet. The Adepts are saying that humanity is facing a crisis of epic proportions – similar to the crisis in Atlantean days. This is a planetary, rather than a regional, crisis.
We are suggesting that each of us has the power to create peaceful and essential change from the relative calm of our own homes and we are offering tools with which to do this. The Adepts are saying it is now extremely urgent that each of us, especially the lightworkers takes loving, yet determined, action to counter the darkness and negativity we face.