The time has come to get out of your own way so you can experience the happiness you deserve. In this inspiring evening, author Maria Felipe introduces core teachings from A Course in Miracles and explains how they can help you connect with your inner teacher, get the “cuckoo voice of your ego” out of the way, and access your personal power and inherent joy. Suggested donation $25 cash at the door.
Maria Felipe’s first book LIVE YOUR HAPPY™ Get Out Of Your Own Way And Find the Love Within is scheduled for release April 2017 and will be published by New World Library, a publisher of such prominent writers in the spiritual field as Eckhart Tolle, Shakti Gawain, Dan Millman just to name a few. Books will be available for purchase and signing by Maria at the event for $15.
Maria will also join us as a guest teacher for our Monday night A Course in Miracles class on July 3, 2017 from 8 – 9:30 pm. The class fee is $20 and registration is possible at the door or online:
Here is a link to her Book Trailer which will give you more insight:
About Maria Felipe:
Rev. Maria is a truly a dynamic speaker, in both Spanish and English. A Cuban-American born in Miami, she is 5’9″ with a towering personality to match. After experiencing success as a model and actress, including hosting World Wrestling Federation TV shows, she felt called inward and studied to become a reverend at Pathways of Light, an accredited religious school inspired by A Course in Miracles. Since then, Maria’s insight, humor and authenticity have made her a leading international teacher, with appearances on national TV and online radio. Maria was a presenter at the CMC A Course in Miracles conferences for the past three years and has recently led talks in Cuba, Colorado, Costa Rica and Ibiza. She speaks monthly at Unity Church in Burbank, where, aside from her English service, she created the church’s first regular Spanish service. Her talks now draw both Spanish and English-speakers from all over Southern California. In addition to leading a weekly A Course in Miracles study group in Spanish, she also leads workshops and seminars inspired by the teachings. Before becoming an ordained minister, Rev. Maria also created her own bilingual channel in YouTube – MariaCoconutTV – geared toward inspiring and sharing this message of love in all communities.
Here are a few links to Maria’s talks: