CRS invites you to join in our annual holiday celebration on Sat, Dec 10, 2016!
4 – 5:30 pm Performance and Talk
6 – 8 pm Reception with Catering by Mie & Masako
Tickets to both parts are $30. Tickets to the reception only (enter after 6 pm) are $20. Part one has limited seating and advanced purchase is encouraged. Tickets at the door are cash only. If you bring your children, age 12 and under, they can get in for free.
About two years ago, Amara chan, the older daughter of Lale Sayoko and Kenji Williams, was diagnosed with a brain tumor and began experiencing many tiny seizures every day. Since then, so many of you have supported their family with prayer and volunteer assistance. Today, she is seizure free. She is active and growing, and her tumor is at least at bay. Tomorrow, we celebrate her fifth birthday. That in itself is a miracle. But many of you and us and friends around the world who have been praying for her have also experienced many miracles as we have learned to let go of our fears and discover our own limitlessness. It is this joining together to share miracle mindedness that we want to celebrate today.
Gamyousei is a close friend and mentor of Yasuko Kasaki who has generously offered to join us from Japan for this occasion in order to share his experience of synchronicity and miracles. He began his professional life as an architect and met with much success. Through his work he developed relationships with many kinds of people and, inspired by his personal study of Buddhist meditation and principles, began to focus on helping others to accelerate their own careers and enjoy their lives. We are honored to have him with us!
Calling us in with their meditative music will be artist and drummer Eric Holzman, sound healer Senko Nishimura, and didgeridoo player and healer Evan Worldwind, each active contributors to the CRS community. Eric’s beautiful oil paintings will be on exhibit in the CRS lobby from December 1, 2016 – January 31, 2017.