Be Your Superhero.
Rise above your old story and live your life anew.
By identifying and dissolving what bogs you down you can fly,
And live the life you were born to live.
I combine entertaining healing stories, insights from ACIM, and a guided healing meditation.
About the Instructor
Marvin Ginsberg is a creative writer, coach and healer. A healing method came to him after he refused spinal surgery and he was healed. He later used the method when he was diagnosed with Melanoma and baffled a panel of doctors after he had the second biopsy.
He sees clients for many issues ranging from health to career and relationships.
He firmly believes that there is nothing that can’t be healed.
He has created the tool for healing that anyone can use, the easy to remember, healing story.
It has been his longtime goal to heal as many people as possible through stories and entertainment.
He is working on a book that will be out shortly.