All members are welcome to attend, whether it’s your first meeting or you’ve been multiple times; whether you’re new to The Work, or have spent years in Inquiry. It would be a great time to meet your fellow Meetup members and connect with them to do The Work.
Please bring a filled out Judge-Your-Neighbor-Worksheet, or just a specific stressful situation to Work on for the meeting. I’m looking forward to spending time with all of you in The Work!
“A thought is harmless unless we believe it. It’s not our thoughts, but the attachment to our thoughts, that causes suffering. Attaching to a thought means believing that it’s true, without inquiring. A belief is a thought we’ve been attaching to, often for years.”
“Thoughts are just what is. They appear. They’re innocent. They’re not personal. They’re like the breeze or the leaves on the trees or the raindrops falling. Thoughts arise like that, and through inquiry we can make friends with them. Would you argue with a raindrop? Raindrops aren’t personal, and neither are thoughts. Once a painful concept is met with understanding, the next time it appears you may find it interesting. What used to be the nightmare is now just interesting. The next time it appears, you may find it funny. The next time, you may not even notice it. This is the power of loving what is.” — Byron Katie