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Unifying Divine Aspects Within: Personal Healing I
with Kelly McDowell Moeller, CBHSP
September 15-16, 2012 10:30 am-5:30 pm   $240
In this experiential introductory class, Kelly will share how identifying personal soul dualities through the chakras can create dramatic progress on one’s spiritual and healing path. With this material, one can precisely pinpoint the false beliefs and limited thinking responsible for life difficulties and illnesses–thus uncovering deep spiritual meaning and guidance for healing. In this weekend, we will: 
• Clarify different levels of dualities in the Pathwork lectures.
• Listen to the emotional voices of our chakras to get information about our dualities.
• Learn a system that can pinpoint personal dualities very quickly and bring many more inner splits to awareness.
• Learn to translate our soul misconceptions/dualities into splits between certain chakras and divine aspects. (This is key.)
• Begin to relate physical illnesses to specific soul splits with ease.
• Learn how to directly feel and confirm personal soul splits in our bodies and energy systems.
• Explore chakras as gateways to specific spiritual truths and divine blessings.
• Learn three steps of healing splits between divine aspects that encapsulate the Pathwork process.
• Open to the Holy Spirit and divine beings for transformation and healing assistance.  
A recent 80-min. private session with Kelly is strongly recommended beforehand, but is not required.
Register by Sept. 7 for workshop (earlier is helpful) and ASAP for in-person private sessions at CRS on Sept. 14.  
For more info on this and other personal healing and professional healing trainings & to register:
Kelly is a twenty-year Pathworker, Brennan Healing Science practitioner, and creator of Unifying Divine Aspects Within spiritual healing.  She led peer Pathwork groups for years, has taught at Omega numerous times, and was a speaker at the 2012 International Pathwork Leadership Conference.
Many thanks to the New York Region Pathwork ( for their support.