Alexander Technique Workshop
with Masumi Kishimoto
Saturday, Dec 8, 2012 from 4 – 6 pm
The Alexander Technique is an educational process of body and mind that enables you to become aware of your natural sense of balance and coordination. Any one can learn it, regardless of age or state of health. Using everyday movements such as sitting down, standing up, and walking, you will explore your unconscious habits, learn to move more freely and develop a greater sense of well-being. This workshop will focus on moving in a more relaxed manner.
Masumi is a dancer and a choreographer. She started to teach the Alexander Technique in 2008. Since then, she has been teaching actors, dancers, musicians and people who have pain in Japan and NY. She has been teaching at CRS off and on since 2009.
Class fee: $20 (if you register before Nov 4th, it will be $18)