We regret to inform you that the International A Course in Miracles Conference scheduled for May 10 – 12, 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark has been cancelled. It was shaping up to be a really large conference with several hundred students and dozens of teachers, and we were really looking forward to being a part of it, so hopefully the organizers will be able to re-schedule it for next year. We’ll just have to wait and see.
If anyone bought tickets for the conference, we have been told that you should be receiving a refund this week (if you haven’t already). If you already purchased a plane ticket, we deeply apologize as the conference organizers have no way to refund your travel tickets. They advise that you contact your airline to see if you can receive a refund or voucher for future travel.
You can read the official announcement here:
Let’s have faith that this happened for the best and that we will all find the learning/teaching environment most suited to us.
There is clearly a lot of demand for an international ACIM conference, and I no doubt that one will happen sooner or later, and when it does, we hope to see you there!